Programs & Products

Life Insurance

"He hated inheritance taxes. Why should the government get a large portion of your wealth just because you die?"

John Grisham, "The Summons"
Life insurance accomplishes two equally important tasks:
  1. Protection of your family against financial difficulties in case of death of the breadwinner.
    Usually a very small number of people recognize how many expenses the death of a family member brings, and how hard it is for the survivors to cope with the wave of bills with a significantly decreased income.
  2. Protection of your money from taxation.
    Personal insurances are exempt from taxes. Some of them even allow you to legally avoid taxes on investment earnings.
It is extremely important to know the difference between insurance programs offered by different companies and banks. These differences could mean thousands dollars for you. Just as the word "car" means different kinds of automobiles, the word "insurance" means very different programs.

Always call and consult with me prior to buying any insurance! Call me: (647) 284-7016!


Health Insurance (Critical Illness)

"Your head is always responsible for [the spot] where your butt will sit."

Nautilus-Pompilius, rock-band
Every one of us is responsible for his or her own health. No one wants to get hurt deliberately, but unfortunately people get ill, and sometime very badly. And usually such an illness comes completely unexpectedly. An illness causes inability to work and provide income for your family, sharply increases medical expenses not covered by governmental OHIP, and sometimes forces you to seek a treatment abroad, etc.
The income disappears, and the expenses grow. Your family could lose your house, and your lifestyle will take a plunge. In order to protect yourself and your relatives in such situations you have to have a critical illness coverage. And, of course, only a healthy person could buy such insurance. No one will sell illness coverage to an already ill person.
There are illness coverages for almost any type of medical problem. You can choose the one which fits your need perfectly. And I can help you with that.

Money cannot keep you from harm, but it may help you to survive. Call me: (647) 284-7016!


Disability Insurance

"Everything happens to everybody sooner or later if there is time enough."

George Bernard Shaw
An accident could occur at any time and any place. A trauma could happen to any person. A car accident, slipping on ice or falling down the stairs in your own home, injury at work or during a vacation – there are many reasons.
But the result is the same – inability to work and bring income home, and take care of your family.
Disability insurance allows you to receive a monthly payment to cover your day-to-day expenses. This insurance is very affordable and will help you in a difficult moment in life.

How long can your family keep going without your income? Protect your lifestyle. Call me: (647) 284-7016!


Visitor & Travel Insurance

According to medical studies, the first symptom of heart disease is sudden death!
Medical insurance for tourists in Canada.
Arrival of long-awaited guests or a vacation abroad always bring joy and happiness. But sometimes undesirable medical problems occur, including hospitalization. And then the joy turns into pain and huge bills for medical services.
A day stay in a hospital in Toronto costs $2,000 to $10,000 depending on the kind of medical treatment needed! Even a visit to walk-in clinic could cost you $130-150! Plus drugs, follow-ups and so on.
Visitor and travel medical coverages are cheap and affordable, and they will protect you from large financial losses. Always buy these insurances! And then you could welcome your guests or travel out of Canada with lightness of heart and enormous pleasure!
And another tip: Travel insurance is tax-deductible as personal medical expenses!

Transfer the burden of your medical expenses to the insurance company! Call me: (647) 284-7016!


Investments. General Info.

Investments (sometimes called savings) are long-term deposits of capital (in stocks, investment funds, savings accounts, etc.) with the purpose of earning a profit.
Investments constitute an inseparable part of modern world economics. But remember that investments provide profit only under certain conditions. In order to ensure profit from your money you have to seriously consider what type of investments are suitable for you, and what financial specialist you prefer to work with.
To build a perfect portfolio for your specific needs you need a trusted professional. Let's multiply your money together!

Your money should be working for you even when you're not. Call me: (647) 284-7016!



"The future, according to some scientists, will be exactly like the past, only far more expensive."

John Sladek
Only flowers live for one day. A serious, responsible person has to think about her or his future and plan for it. Hoping for a free ride and free lunch, and pray that "Canada will feed me forever" is only for people who do not understand the world they live in.
One method of retirement savings (albeit not the only one) is RRSP – a saving tax-deferred plan. It is a very good program, but it is not suitable for everyone. In other cases you may be better with Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). Or entirely different saving method.
Did you know that you can use your RRSP for a downpayment to buy your first property?

Do not rely on luck when it comes to planning your future. Save for your retirement to guarantee the lifestyle you want to have! Call me: (647) 284-7016!


Kids Education (RESP)

"If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."

Derek Bok
We all want very much for our kids to do well in their lives. In many cases it depends on their education.
Post-secondary education in Canada is very expensive. In order not to burden your children by huge debts after graduation, you should take care of the savings for education in advance.
Especially considering that the government gives you a gift of up to 40% of your deposit into RESP, and some plan providers add up to another 15% of their own. Combining different credits and grants you can get $100 of free additional money for every $100 you deposited.

Provide you kids with a successful start to their adult life! Call me: (647) 284-7016!



"A bank is a place that will lend you money if you can prove that you don't need it."

Bob Hope, American comedian

No one wants to have a mortgage, but almost everyone tries to obtain it. Why? Because a mortgage is a tool to achieve a very important goal – having your own home. Your own house or apartment is the basis for stability for you and your family.
You can get a mortgage from a wide variety of lenders. And the quality and terms will greatly depend on whom you are talking to about your mortgage. It could be a random bank clerk for whom you are just one of many, and who may switch to another job at any time and abandon you. Or you can work with a private mortgage agent who is responsible for you and accountable to a government regulator.
And remember that an agent can find you the best offer from different lenders – you will never get that from a bank clerk.

Your home is your castle! Let's build it together!